The bot prefix

By default, Green-bot's prefix is set to * You can already use the bot mention or green as a prefix. For an easier experience, you can use slash commands by pressing / and selecting the green-bot logo

What is a prefix ?

It's the character to execute commands. You can customize it with the setprefix command.

How to execute a command ?

To execute a command, first write the prefix and then the command name.

Example: green help

Commands arguments

Some commands may require arguments. But what are they ?

When you do green play music , music is the argument

There must be a space between the command name and the arguments

On the command list, the arguments are between hooks such as [] or <> .

If an argument is surrounded in <> that means that it's required for the commands function.

If it's surrounded in [ ] that means it's completely optional or is based on previous arguments given to run the command.

Example of command with arguments:

Play usage: green play <song/ Url>

How to use: green play faded alan walker

To get the command list, you can do the help command

You now know how to use commands 🎉

Last updated